

What is a Liebster Award?!

Within the last two days I was nominated twice for the Liebster Award!  I am SO thrilled!  But I just have to say....since I've only been blogging for a few months, I had absolutely NO idea what this was!  So I checked out my nominator's blogs and I had a blast learning more about them, and about what this Liebster thing is all about!
The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to recognize other up-and-coming bloggers.  Yay!

A HUGE Thank You to Orchard Girls and My Rays of Sunshine for nominating me!
Rules of the Liebster Award:
1.  Link back to the Nominating blog
2.  Answer the questions given by the Nominator
3.  Give 11 random facts about yourself
4.  Nominate 5-11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers
5.  Ask the nominees 11 new questions
6.  Contact the nominees you pick and let them know they were nominated!
OK, here goes:
Questions from the Orchard Girls:
1.  What is/are your favorite color(s) to decorate with?
2.  If you could go back in time and tell your younger self ONE thing, what would it be?
Life is too short, so just do it!
3. Coke or Pepsi?
HA, I love this one....Coke, but only if its diet!  I've been hooked since high school
4.  Do you subscribe to any magazines?
The Ensign and The Friend (publications from my church)
5.  On average, how much time do you spend on your computer in a day?
Well, this changed dramatically once I started blogging!!  Maybe two hours or so
6.  Are you currently reading a book?  Which one?
Sadly, no!
7.  Where did you go on your longest road trip?
We traveled from AZ up to Yellowstone
8.  As a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew" up?
Always a Mom
9.  What is your best habit?
10.  What is one item you ALWAYS have with you?
My Burts Bees chapstick, and my diet coke!
11.  What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Check all doors and windows to make sure they are locked...yes, every night!!
I'm a little OCD about it! 
Questions from  My Rays of Sunshine: 
1.  Who is your celebrity crush?
This one is tough for me cause I crush on the character, not the actor himself. 
 So I'll have to say Ross from Friends!
2.  Princess or Superhero? Why?
Superhero, because I live with 4 of them!
3.  If you could relive one day of your life which would it be?
The day I married my sweetheart
4.  Do you have a tattoo?  If so, what is it?  If not, why?
No, just not my style
5.  If you could confront anyone from your past, who would it be and why?
Really, I can't think of anyone.  I am so easy going and non-confrontational, lol!
6.  If you could get rid of all the songs from a particular singer, whose would you delete and why?
Justin Bieber please!  He just annoys me!
7.  Rank the colors of the rainbow from best to worst and state why:
I love all the colors, so I'll just rank them by my favorites: 
 Green, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange 
8.  What is something you've always wanted to do but haven't had the guts to try?
Haha, Make a bench from a headboard
9.  What website do you have to look at everyday?
Facebook...I can't stay away!
10.  Have you ever resorted to a fad diet to try to lose weight?
Um...pretty much every fad diet out there! 
11.  If you could go back and change your past, knowing what you know now, would you?
No, things happen for a reason and some things are meant
 to be learned along the way.  No regrets!
Now on to my 11 Random Facts:
1.  I play the piano (even though I am tone deaf)
2.  I went to school to be a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer aka Ultrasound Tech
3.  I'm a Mormon
4.  I still sleep with my baby blanket!  Don't judge, lol!
5.  I have Hashimotos Disease, and I hate it!
6.  I have been divorced
7.  I scuba dive
8.  I am obsessed with Walking Dead
9.  I have a phobia of being wet
10. I always ask for power tools for my birthday
11.  I absolutely LOVE being a mom to Boys.  I love all the things my boys love: monster trucks, star wars, video games, bugs, grass stained jeans, and dirty faces!
My Nominees:  
Gretchen from Boxy Colonial
Denise from Spittin Toad
Katie & Vanessa from A House 2 Home
Christine from Little Brags
Questions for my Nominees:
1.  If you could travel anywhere in the World, where would you go? Why?
2.  Where are all the places you have lived?  Favorite?
3.  What is your favorite Holiday? Why?
4.  What made you decide to start blogging?
5.  Chocolate or Vanilla?
6.  What is your favorite season of the year?
7.  If you could meet anyone, who would it be? Why?
8.  Where is the most interesting place you have ever visited?
9.  Who do you look most like in your family?
10.  Could you live without your TV?
11.  What are 3 things you would like to do this year?
This was super fun, thank you ladies for the nominations!!!!

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